Are your relationships more emotionally frustrating than satisfying? Do they begin with a jumble of uncertainty, flowing into doubt and insecurity, eventually segueing into disappointing ends? Do you not understand why you can't catch a romantic break? Learn the secrets of those who are lucky in love, climb out of your emotional rut, open your eyes to self-defeating behavior and start on the path to finding true romantic happiness.

Adrienne Gusoff,
dating coach, author, advice columnist, motivational speaker and founder of Date To Win, offers workshops for singles
throughout the tri-state area, weekly support group meetings in Manhattan, and personal one-on-one relationship counseling sessions.


Here's what attendees have said
about Adrienne's workshops:

"Adrienne's unique perspective on love and relationships makes a lot of sense. Many things she said made me realize the mistakes I've been making again and again. Very helpful. I recommend this workshop highly to anyone who is having problems making their relationships work."
-- Sandy, Teaneck, NJ

"Very entertaining and informative. Clearly, Adrienne is a caring person who genuinely wants people to find love and happiness, and experience fulfilling relationships."
--Gail T., NYC

"I thought I was going to get easy tips on improving my love life, but Adrienne made me realize that there are no quick fixes or easy solutions. I have to change myself , my attitudes and behavior. Once I do the work, love will come. It's not what I was expecting to hear when I signed up for the workshop, but I recognize that she's absolutely right. "
-- Josh, NYC

"Adrienne is very real and open. Extremely insightful. I felt very hopeful and motivated after the workshop."
-- Vicki M, L.I., NY

As seen on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart


Dating Coach

Note: New workshops in New York
are forming now. Please inquire.

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Write to me with your questions or comments
and I'll answer them here or in the newsletter



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last update December 22, 2009